Thursday, February 16, 2006

Growing without bounds

Can't believe how long it's taken to set up a blog. Not that it takes time to do it.... just time to get around to it. the web site took a long time to get rolling. Each "new" issue an improvement on the last ... presentation-wise, anyway. We like to get new material; a lot of what we've used comes from friends and acquaintances, and friends of friends, and we hope the circle will keep growing. Without bounds.

A note about imagination. The older one gets, the more "unlikely" one is to realize one's hopes and dreams (if they haven't already). So, a lot of people, it seems, suppressing the desire to take that next step into the unknown, sweep their hopes and dreams under the carpet of tried-and-true. Some say you have to be single-minded. Kobe Bryant dedicating himself to being the best, competing with legends, to become a legend. No doubt Kobe's got other skills he's putting to work off the court, but his personal best is going to be on the boards for the world to see.

For those who don't hold to the tried and true, differences are what count. Something a little different every day. Bill Mungo, an editor at a newspaper I once worked for, suggested taking a different route to or from work each day. Inject yourself with something new. Maybe it'll turn out to be a path you'll never stray from; more likely, it'll be a path with more forks, more choices, more opportunity. Taking the long view, no more of the same.

So, all this b.s. aside, let's get down to business.

Mohammed caricatures. OK. Poor taste. So's a lot of other stuff. Some people tolerate sex jokes better than racial and ethnic slurs; some people don't. But watching days, if not weeks, of mayhem, I've gotta ask, "Don't these people have jobs?"


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